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The INTiP International Network Theatre in Prison, this website and its domain name are owned by Associazione Culturale Cittadina Universitaria Aenigma (Aenigma University Local Cultural Association) whose registered office is located in Via G. De Carlo 5, 61029 Urbino (PU), FISCAL NUMBER 91006880412 / VAT NUMBER 01260260417. 


Privacy policy

INTiP International Network Theatre in Prison decided to start an e-commerce project to sell books, journals and e-books hereafter identified as “products” using this website as an “online bookshop”.
This online bookshop uses up-to-date, protected and guaranteed technologies and software provided by the platform for managing its e-commerce website, for payment procedures and for collecting data. 


Data Ownership

According to the Italian law (D.LGS 196/03), the Data Owner is the individual or legal person that manages the data of the “concerned” individual, legal person, organisation or association which personal data refer to.
This website is subject to Associazione Culturale Cittadina Universitaria Aenigma (Aenigma University Local Cultural Association). For the purposes of this disclosure, the user Data Owner is the above-mentioned association hereafter called “Aenigma” whose registered office is located in Via G. De Carlo 5, 61029 Urbino.
The personal data controller is Vito Minoia, legal representative and pro tempore president of Aenigma.
Data Ownership refers to the activities connected to the use of this website, to the management of the user registration and account, to sales and promotion (if accepted by the user after this information disclosure) and generally to all customer relationship management both by INTiP International Network Theatre in Prison and Aenigma.
Personal data from users that register to this website for the first time after 26 November 2016 and with no previous contact with INTiP International Network Theatre in Prison, will be collected using this website.

Data that have been collected by Aenigma before this website was created and earlier than 26 November 2016, will be transferred to the database of this website as unique database both for INTiP International Network Theatre in Prison and for Aenigma.
The user personal Data Ownership will never be transferred, neither to third parties nor to the platform. 


Data collection

“Personal data” is any information relating to an individual, legal person, organisation or association. These can be identified, directly or indirectly, using any other information included a personal identification number.
The list below indicates the personal data managed by the Data Owner through the website access for two main categories of users. 


Users without an account or not logged in users

The following data are collected for common website use:

  • IP address;

  • session cookies;

  • page views;

  • referrer;

  • login attempts;

  • content use and online activity within the website 

The above-mentioned data are temporary technical information that is not collected to identify non-registered users. Their characteristics, especially in combination with data managed by third parties (for example by the user’s Internet connection provider) might result in an identification. This identification is though not finalised by the Data Owner, as a consequence he does not transfer the above-mentioned data but uses them anonymously for the correct functioning of the website services and for IT systems security. 


Registered users and website activity after registration

  1. Personal data collected for the use of the website services through the platform. 

    The Data Owner collects the data provided in the registration form by the user, these data are then connected to the online activities of the user on the website such as purchases (among which the list of the products previously bought) or reviews provided by the user.

  2. Online data about the user’s activity on the platform and use of the online bookshop.

  • IP address;

  • session cookies;

  • page views;

  • login attempts;

  • content use and online activity within the website, that is: buying and reviewing a product, checking previous purchases, downloading previous purchases, modifying user data (for example invoicing data).

The above-mentioned data are collected to allow users to finally buy catalogue products, they are as a consequence associated with the registered user after registration.
Data are processed for delivery purposes and in order to certify transactions as well as the resulting due amounts.

User reviews are indexed by search engines; name and surname provided by users in the registration form are associated with each review. 


Cookie policy 

Store: this platform has a session cookie that tracks the user session and lets him use the website services.
Google Analytics: this software, used both for the website and for the platform, creates a cookie for each user in order to generate website activity statistics. The data created by this cookie are managed by Google Inc.
For more information on Google Analytics cookies you can read the official documents provided by Google at the following link:


Data processing

Electronic data processing is used to manage user personal data that may also be printed out if necessary. The data are processed with computing devices in locations available to the Data Owner according to the safety measures as in the applicable law on personal data protection. 


Objectives of data collection


Non-logged-in user browsing data

The Data Owner manages website users personal data in order to allow website browsing.
The cookies used for website browsing are session cookies and as such, they are temporary and can be deleted by the user once he/she closes the browser used. This way the platform software can’t detect the user thus avoiding the need to personal data management by the platform software. Deleting cookies stops INTiP International Network Theatre in Prison’s platform software from recognising the user during his/her following visit to the online bookshop. 


Registered and logged-in user

Personal data connected to the creation of an account are collected and managed by the Data Owner in order to let users buy and be active on the website according to the terms and conditions of use.
If the user asks for an invoice, the Data Owner will collect and manage also the invoicing data provided by the user.
Users can review and assess the catalogue products.
Users that explicitly accept to receive a newsletter may receive commercial information to their email box from the Data Owner as well.
The data provided by users to register to the platform, invoicing and browsing data shall not be transferred or given to third parties unless required by law or demanded by the Authorities. Financial transaction data will be transferred to the Institutions that manage the payment system for Edizioni Nuove Catarsi and Aenigma products. This is done to communicate them sales data of catalogue products or to comply with relevant applicable law. 


Termination of registered Users personal data processing

The processing of personal data previously provided to use this website online store ends when the user decides to delete his/her account.
In this case, the Data Owner will only keep a record of the data related to purchases and to invoicing for the period and with the procedures required by law.
To delete one’s account it is necessary to send an email specifying your request to the Data Owner to the following email address:  


Adobe DRM and Soft DRM

Some products, among which ebooks, are protected by access control technologies that are commonly known as DRM.
In this website online bookshop catalogue, in particular, you can find two kinds of DRM: the Adobe DRM and Soft DRM technology. The use of a DRM and the kind of DRM used are specified on the information sheet of the e-books concerned.
DRM are used to protect content under copyright with digital technologies. In some cases, such technologies can have personal data management implications.
Adobe DRM technology is used on some catalogue titles. Its characteristics [] and privacy policy [] can be consulted on the producer website and are regularly updated.
In no case, user personal data that has been provided, directly or indirectly, to Adobe for the use of the purchased file will be transferred to INTiP International Network Theatre in Prison or Aenigma.

The other DRM technology, known as Soft or “Social DRM”, does not transfer user personal data as it consists on a simple watermark that indicates on the file the name, surname, transaction ID and the email address of the user that has purchased the product. 


Providing and refusing to provide personal data

Providing the personal data requested on the registration form is not compulsory. Nonetheless, refusing to do so prevents the completion of the registration process, making the use of the online shop impossible.
Refusing to accept cookies prevents you to register and browse the website as a logged-in user. Non-logged-in users can’t buy products, use their personal account and leave reviews.
Registered users that accept to receive the newsletter won’t have to provide new data as they provided the necessary information during the registration process, an email address will be enough.
If they refuse to receive the newsletter they will be anyway able to purchase and use the platform as accepting the newsletter is not compulsory. 


User rights

User rights are described in article 7 of D.LGS 196/2003 to which we refer for our privacy policy. The post address to be considered under article 7 of D.LGS 196/03 is the Association’s registered office Associazione Culturale Cittadina Universitaria Aenigma, Via G. De Carlo 5, 61029 Urbino (PU) with Vito Minoia as its representative. You can alternatively send an email to specifying “Privacy” in the email subject. 


Privacy policy changes

The above-mentioned privacy policy may change or be updated.
Any change or modification resulting in different data processing procedures will be communicated by email to registered users and sent to the address they provided during registration.
Non-registered users shall regularly check this document. Any version of this document is identified and updated considering the publication date. 


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